Boot Animation Change:

I've been changing boot animations on my devices for years.

Boot animations (not installers): files:

HOW-TO EASY WAY (installers):

Some ROM Managers like ROM Toolbox let you preview boot animations and download and install automatically all done for you:

he does a smaller boot anim only app to auto preview & installer too:

More easy boot animation installer apps:


The Android boot animation is contained within a an uncompressed zip file called that can be found in the media folder of the system partition i.e. /system/media on the internal memory of the device.
It's very easy copying in the new file using a sysfiles file manager like:
or root browser:

Just confirm with Total Commander if asked automatically or toggle R/W button at top of rootexplorer to change sysfiles.

Manual How-to Guide:

see 2nd photo slideshow:

More details:

(* More manual boot-anim change guides at bottom of post search link vvv )

Splash Screen (Boot Logo) Creator:

Download Splash Screen Creator:

There are a few sources of original ROMs for square M8 s802: Bob (Finless), Stane's & recent newer ones from Chinese sources: ENY/Acemax/commissioned by Geekbuying, these newer Chinese ROMs have transfer protocol problems (WiFi, Bluetooth, Ethernet etc.) on some M8 variations, and/or other bugs. The rest are tweaks and mere modifications of these originals coded from ground up. Bob's are 2 completely different versions from different libraries, the newer 1.8 and his own 1.7 experimental version based on a different kernel library he's been playing for android. Unfortunately he's abandoned M8 due to the attitude problems and mere greed by a couple of makers.

Both 1.7 & 1.8 are good. I tested all these and various recent tweak ROMs with various bugs and freezes/hangs if over 300 apps are installed with many heavy ones. Second best ROM is Bob's 1.8 and the best is Stane's. His servers are down as he's looking for new hosts and punktunes mirror seems to be expired:

I'm sure it will reappear soon. I also hope Bob resumes developing for M8 as it's selling many boxes. I'm not upgrading my Stane's ROM even if he releases a new one he's working on unless it lets me keep settings & apps, only to test though. I backup with TWRP regularly anyway as there is no bugs with stane's & my 400+ apps, many heavy plus big killer desktop widgets: no hangs or freeze nor problems with wifi/ether/bluetooth, smooth as butter 

More easy ways & app to change boot animation:

Splash screen logo change: